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Cloud challenges now!

A lot of focus has been given on cloud computing over several years which brought a way to get a simpler way to transition. Anyway we still see the organizations with a lot of isolated applications and they still see the move to the cloud is just the first stage of the journey.

Based on The NetEnrich 2019 Cloud Adoption survey which found that 68% of enterprise IT departments in companies with 500 or more employees are in public cloud, 85 per cent reported moderate to extensive production use of cloud infrastructure. Also, 80 percent have moved at least a quarter of all their workloads to the public cloud.

We see more and more workloads deployed in cloud, which also brings new concerns. It is not new that the survey shows the top cloud computing concern cited to be security with 68 per cent. Also major concerns now are: IT spend and cost is increasing, daily maintenance, root cause analysis. We can see such issues in on-premises IT as well. But over 50 per cent say their IT organization is finding the cost of recruiting IT professionals with right skills to take on these challenges is a big ongoing issue.

The lack of available cloud skill set that results in so much expending in IT projects being sponsored by line of business units according to NetEnrich. According to more than 50 percent of the respondents, up to to 40 percent of enterprise technology funding is coming from outside IT’s reachability.

The importance of IT team starts to be based on skill sets.To adopt the best DevOps practices for cloud applications management is far way from the reality: only 23 percent confirmed that their organizations have completely switched to DevOps, and 18 percent have done nothing at all, even though 86 percent of respondents informed that they have rearchitected some of their applications to use cloud services. Also 59 percent informed that they use some tools for continuous code deployment and integration.

A separate survey was done for developers and DevOps practitioners. This time made by SolarWinds, a provider of IT management tools, which shows that most of the organizations are getting too busy by basic troubleshooting of applications during this transition to DevOps. When a company transition to the cloud the minor issue should be worried about the underlying technology. Organizations that got a higher success invested in cross-functional teams that are focused in delivery of a specific application or service.

Also, many organizations are opting to rely more on third-party managed service providers to manage their cloud operations, saving the budget to building applications.

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