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Mobile world is today for Small Business.

Small business in this IT era reaping challenges and benefits without boarders using even more new platforms to collaboration but sometimes not a strong success with customers, what a customer is looking for the apps keep changing and everything is mobile specially in the younger audience. Several phases passed, one is when www exploded and e-commerce, then all mobile devices used for this action: buy.

One more point, customers from a PC is one kind and customers from the mobile other ones. Even your business could reach thousands of customers in the past , that does not mean that same marketing strategy will keep the same working forever. Much more some businesses are not in websites anymore, just in apps. We have some sample of business that could have about 85 percent of visitors without making any order and a big bill to pay for the e-commerce website. This is new model, yes, but small companies need to start moving. Why mobile app is good? They proved availability, competitiveness, convenience, more engagement and the loyalty of the buyers.

Small business trends to move , the cost of mobile apps are lower everyday due to popularity and more developers, the small company can purchase basic app package and then try to improve the own apps . Looks like this trend is following the same as the previous trend “ standard websites “ as we see an increase of demand, lower cost, quality and flexibility on design.

Companies need to include mobility in the game, so the employers will be able to work quickly and remote everywhere. The point is attention to how to get and keep the loyalty of the customers, the mobile part is just a “tool “to the main business succeed, not the final strategy to get buyers onboard.

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