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The New Microsoft shot on mobile world.

We always like new stuff coming and one very well know is about to arrive next year: The Microsoft Surface , a lot of people expecting the phones coming to the market. Strong one bringing 512GB of storage.

Talking a little bit about the past where we had the Windows phone, with not too much funds, not too much apps and also the need to beat Nokia. So what happened between Microsoft and IBM in the past then happened between Apple and Microsoft, focus in the user. In the past this phone need a X86 architecture but due to Intel still developing their part so MS decided to use ARM processor using Windows. About OS/2, it was not able to run 32bit Windows apps then not the best option. Past is past and now we wave Surface tablet with strong marketing, sales increasing and great hardware. The Surface phone is the next with no compatibility issues and the power of a laptop , focus in in all areas but mostly in business side; also a possible replacement of a laptop. What about connect a mouse, monitor and keyboard, then the magic starts where your phone become a PC. About the applications that might be an issue for standard users but the idea is user for business so the focus will not have all possible apps. Considering in the corporate environment most people have two phones, one for business, also IT support would have the need to support only the phone and not phone plus laptop, less work. Surface tablet is already selling very well, if we can have a phone with apps, PC experience and secure, the Surface can be a strong player bringing back Microsoft to the table against the other players.

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